Monday, 22 October 2012

Kilimanjaro trekking and climbing: An Overview

The "number-1-trekking destination" in East Africa is an undisputed ascent of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. More than 20,000 people a year to try it, do not do it all - often due to a lack of preparation.

, The fascination of the mountain to everyone. In 5895, the height of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania stands near the equator. The highest peak in all of Africa, the "Kibo" is an almost perfect volcanic crater, the sheet is still a white tip. However, there are only remnants of the once huge glaciers and snow barely. The most beautiful view he is from the north, ie, from Kenya, for example, from the Amboseli National Park.

Before setting off for a Kilimanjaro trekking, you should be well prepared. And the more you know about the mountain, history and "his stories", the more beautiful is the experience for you on the spot. In 1987, the Kilimanjaro was recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage. The "Kili" is the highest freestanding mountain in the world. Actually, the 40 km long mountain range consists of 3 peaks: the Shira (today is only a plateau), Mawenzi and Kibo. So do not be confused: Usually always the middle and highest (and best) summit is meant when one speaks of Kilimanjaro.

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The volcano is about 100,000 years ago stopped its activities (almost). Unconfirmed Legends say he should be broken out around the year 1700 once again - he is by no means extinct today. His name comes from "Kilima" (translates as mountain) and Njaro (cold or ice) together.
To the Western world of Kilimanjaro was discovered in 1848 by German missionary Johannes Rebmann. On 6 October 1889 the German Hans Meyer reached with the Austrian Ludwig Purtscheller first people to summit and called him "Kaiser Wilhelm peak". During the colonial period the Kilimanjaro was therefore the highest mountain in Germany!

There are 5 "official" routes where the Kilimanjaro can be climbed. An ascent without local guides and porters are not allowed. The whole mountain is a large national park in the 5 climate zones occur, all of which are traversed: cultural zone, rain forest, heath and moorland, alpine desert and the summit / Glacier area. On the first day of a Kilimanjaro trek can be hot to + 30 ° C, during the night of the storm peaks with up to - 20 ° C cold.

Around the mountain live the Chagga, they are considered the original inhabitants of this region. Porters and guides of Kilimanjaro trekking expeditions come almost exclusively from the surrounding communities and this ethnic group.

I would recommend you a booking through an experienced German, Austrian or Swiss tour operators. Make sure in the tender of a sufficient acclimatization trip - either through a proper acclimatization, eg of Mount Meru - or at least one day of rest, such as the Horombo Huts. The decision often the success of the whole enterprise. Locally, there are hundreds of more or less reputable tour operators, since it is difficult to find the right.

The best time to visit is from December to February, but then the most is going on. Especially over Christmas and New Year can be found at the top (not to mention the huts) large gatherings. After the long rainy season it is from July to September in the mountains quite dry, but colder - this often is fresh snow on top - very nice!

Read the following article still on Kilimanjaro trekking and safari in Tanzania or Kenya, which I will in the next few weeks here.

1 comment:

  1. An expedition to Climb Kilimanjaro is the ultimate mini-adventure.But don't make your adventure cheap on the backs of the porters. If you want to do a Kilimanjaro climb make sure the operator you use is a member of KPAP
